
Remesh Wrapped: 2021 in Review

A brief recap of the amazing things Remesh accomplished throughout the year 2021.

2021 was a year of unprecedented growth and change as every single industry around the world evolved to meet the needs of a rapidly shifting global business landscape. The insights industry – and Remesh – was no exception.

Here at Remesh, we spent the year hard at work innovating our platform and features. We leveraged expert input, industry trends, research, and feedback from our clients to evolve our platform into an even more powerful insights tool. 

While we’re looking forward to the new year, it’s also important to reflect on the milestones that Remesh reached over the last 12 months.


300,000+ participants engaged

Remesh clients ran thousands of new conversations, engaging with more than 300,000 consumers, employees, and constituents from all across the world with conversations run in 20+ languages.


120,000+ questions asked

We asked participants over 120,000 questions ranging from package and concept testing, diversity & inclusion, employee wellness, and key foundational research. 


2x company growth

The Remesh team continues to grow! In 2021, we nearly doubled in size, with departmental growth in our Research, Customer Success, and Product & Engineering teams! 


12+ new features launched

Over a dozen top-tier features were launched to help our clients drive even more value through our robust, informative, and user-friendly Remesh.


Top honors awarded

Remesh was honored alongside other industry leaders with several awards this year, including: Fast Company’s World Changing Ideas, GRIT’s Top 50 Most Innovative Company list, the Deloitte Fast 500, and Fortune: Impact 20


More press & news features than ever

We were also covered in a dozen media outlets including top publications like the Financial Times and the Washington Post

All in all, 2021 was a year of extraordinary progress for our team, and we could not have achieved this level of growth without all of you. Here’s to 2022!


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